Maintaining Success

Written by admin

On January 24, 2019


There’s no feeling like winning the game!  How do you get there? First you want to set yourself up for success from the very beginning and then focus on maintaining that success. How do you do that?  Some will tell you that you try and you try and you keep on trying. Let’s find out more.

When No One is Watching…

Work hard. It’s essential that you are not working for the approval of others.  Instead, develop your own sense of pride in your efforts and accomplishments. Be pleased with yourself.  Do a victory jig when you get a task completed, when you successfully move on to the next tier. Do your best – always.  Don’t just work hard when someone is watching!

Do What Fits….

Get to know yourself and figure out what makes you tick.  Why do you want to succeed? What is your passion? You don’t need to make sweeping changes, but instead consider the small steps you can take.  Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference. Play with an idea. Look in all the rabbit holes. Figure things out. Try different things.

Always in Progress…

Keep another hill in view and stay on your journey to a goal.  Often people stop short and they never push their success to the next level.  They don’t realize that the success they know now could be so much greater if they kept learning, kept trying, kept changing.  Find out how others in the same field are doing. Complete training or take classes to keep in the know.

Focus on Quality…

Be sure not to become complacent.  If you have more customers this year than last year, resist being satisfied.  Do more to keep those customers close by – and figure out how to encourage more to come on board.  Go beyond their expectations. Do more than your competitors do. Stay in the Winner’s Circle.

Reflect on what inspirational speaker Jack Canfield tells his audiences:  “Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.”  

Uphold your positive focus, keep moving forward, and use tools and resources that will help you maintain your success available at Online Sales Pro.   After all, we are on the sidelines, cheering you on.

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