Getting Started with Advertising

Written by admin

On January 3, 2019

First things first.  Before you launch a paid online advertising campaign, you need to balance your bike and design a landing page.  The best kind will convert potential customers into solid clients by encouraging them to purchase your product or service and then to become loyal, long-term clients.  Let’s take a look at how to do that by taking full advantage of Kissmetrics’ C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S. formula.

C for Clear Call to Action (CTA)

You need to be clear about what you would like visitors to your website to do and that should be the focus of your landing page.  What will encourage them to click on the button to learn more? The product or service must be something they need and also something they want.  Generally your visitors will be searching for something when cruising around on the Internet. Be clear about what you offer so that they can make the decision quickly about whether they want to learn more or they want to look elsewhere.

O for Offer

Customers are always looking for a way to save money, how to get more for less – so your landing page should offer them a special coupon or trial or free estimate or book.  That way, they can sample what you offer and see if they are interested in more. All they need to get one of these is by clicking on a link on the landing page that will take them to a form to complete, providing their contact information and more.  Not that we are talking about fishing here, but to run a successful marketing campaign, you often have to lure your potential customers to become paying customers.

N for Narrow Focus

When too much information is provided on a landing page, too many choices, customers have too many choices to make – causing them to slow the flow.  They may even be inclined to say, “No” without even looking for more. You don’t want them spending too much time trying to make a decision about which and what and why.  When you focus on one campaign on your landing page, you are making the decision much easier for your visitors – it’ll either be yes or no. That’s why it is important to keep it simple.  

V for Very Important Attributes

Your potential customers don’t know your products as well as you do.  Why would anyone want to buy your brand or use your service over any other one out there?  What are the attributes about your product or service that are exemplary? Focus on those. Let the folks who see your landing page know what it is you are selling and why it has great value for them.  Put yourself in their shoes to figure out which features you should emphasize.

E for Effective Headline

The headline on your landing page should not keep them guessing.  People are more impatient now than they used to be because we all have that impending sense that we are running out of time.  We must hurry-scurry-and-worry about this and that. By hooking the customer with an intriguing headline, one that tells them about the how and why of your product, that will extend their stay on your website.  With an effective headline, you get them to read more – and that’s what you want.

R for Resolution-Savvy Layout

Not all devices have the same screen dimensions.  Because of that, make sure that the essential information is at the center top of the screen.  That is the text or graphic that will catch their eye and cause them to linger. People are using smartphones and tablets more than ever to cruise around the Internet.  Because of that, be mindful that your landing page will be available in several formats – not just in the one where you created the landing page.

T for Tidy Visuals

The landing page should not be a quilt of numerous photographs and other visuals.  Use a simple, applicable one that your potential customers will learn to associate with your product or service.  The best strategy for placement is to have the visual to the right of the headline. Use an eye-catching graphic of a high quality and universal appeal.

S for Social Proof

Customers want to know what others think.  How have others reacted to your product or service?  Invite some of your loyal clients to write reviews that you can feature on your website. Indicate on your website how many people use your product or service once the number is impressive.  Encourage clients to provide reviews by clicking on a link on your site. Customers are often influenced by other customers – and they depend on them to convince them to purchase, perhaps even more than the product or service sells itself.  People talk, and potential customers listen.
By using the Kissmetrics’ C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S. formula, your landing page will have a much better success rate converting visitors to your landing page to linger longer and to become your customers.  Let us help you create landing pages that convert. Join us at Online Sales Pro and see what we have that will help you grow your business.  We’re here to help you with the marketing of your business and convert visitors to your website into paying customers.

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